
For Every Reader Reading My Stories,

This is for every person out there, no matter your age or gender, who finds themselves lost in the words I weave. (But maybe this is important for all my girlies.)

I write romance. I write fiction. I write about things that donโ€™t exist in the world we live in.

Whether itโ€™s a secret society like Adhikritโ€™s, the single assault that still burns Amaniโ€™s hands, Ranveerโ€™s toxicity, or Yuv, Maan, and Kabir sharing Avyahโ€”none of it is real.

These stories are far from our reality. What I write lives in ink, not in flesh. Itโ€™s bound in pages, not in your life. These stories are not meant to be footsteps for you to followโ€”they are just an imagination of a world that does not exist.

The unacceptable age differences.

The impulsive desires.

The dark, twisted love.

All of it exists for one reasonโ€”to give readers an escape. A world that is not theirs, a reality that is not their own. These stories are meant to be read, felt, and left behindโ€”not absorbed into your life. Because I am not here to romanticize three men sharing one woman. But I would certainly love to read or write about it.ย 

You canโ€™t let ficitonal-ity happen to you.

You are real.

You are breathing.ย 

You are not Avyah.

Avyah is fictional. She is a fantasy. What she does is just an erotica storyโ€”a story and nothing more.

If a man ever burns your hands like Zeeshan did to Amani, stand the fuck up for yourself. And if you must, burn him right back. Donโ€™t be like Amani. Donโ€™t forgive him just because he has past traumas. No past justifies pain. Let him know that your hands are meant to build, to fight, to riseโ€”not to burn at the hands of a coward.

If a man forces a child on you just to keep you bound to him, like Ranveer didโ€”eat papayas, take the damn pill, do whatever it takesโ€”but donโ€™t let that kind of control into your life.

If you crave a man, donโ€™t be like Kashi, don't sit back because you feel lost knowing something dangerous is coming your way. Fight back, even if there is no one you can hold onto, still do it for YOU, FOR YOUR SOUL.ย 

Because grape is not a joke. It never will be.

If you think I glorified it, maybe, in the rush of emotions, Iโ€™ve written stories where things are allowed to slide for the sake of fiction. But in real life? Donโ€™t let them.

If thereโ€™s anything you take from my characters, let it be this:

Love deeply.

Stand up for yourself.

See anotherโ€™s pain before your own.

Make the world better by refusing to let its darkness consume you.

Be a girlโ€™s girlโ€”like the female leads of Sinful Chronicles.

Donโ€™t be a Nandini to a Kashi.

Iโ€™ve been meaning to say this for a long timeโ€”to every sister, every reader, young and old, male and female.

What I write does not define me. Just as what you read does not define you. It is just a part of you.

Like stars are a part of the galaxy.

Like flowers are a part of the garden.

Like demons are a part of nature.

And lastly, know this:

Your writer is simply weaving imperfect tales for an escape.

And you? Youโ€™re reading them for the same reason. Not for enlightenment. Not for guidance. Not to shape your reality.

I donโ€™t write these stories because I romanticize them. I donโ€™t glorify pain, nor do I wish for any of you to live through it. I write for myselfโ€”for the sake of the emotions I need to pour out, for the characters that demand to exist, for the stories that form in my mind, begging to be told. These worlds are my escape, just as they are yours. But thatโ€™s all they areโ€”an escape, not a lesson, not a lifestyle, not a reality you should ever accept for yourself.

You donโ€™t know, but I doโ€”how brutal the stories are going to become. I donโ€™t want you all to be shaken when Reyaan cuts off peopleโ€™s hands just to learn how to apply nail paint for Zarah. Or when Aren, slut shames Raavi.

I donโ€™t want you to be traumatized by whatโ€™s coming next.

So sit back, breathe, and rememberโ€”fiction and reality are different.

Get lost in the story, but donโ€™t lose yourself. Read, escape, feelโ€”but when you close the book, step back into your world, knowing you are the author of your own fate.

โ€”Your Xeron.

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โ€”Writing fiction so intense that youโ€™ll loose yourself in them and forget whatโ€™s real when they murmur โ€œ๐™Ž๐™๐™, ๐™๐™š๐™–๐™™ ๐™ข๐™š ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ ๐™š ๐™–โ€ฆ ๐™œ๐™ค๐™ค๐™™ ๐™œ๐™ž๐™ง๐™ก.โ€